Recently, Roscrea Lions Club presented €1,000 to Deirdre Delaney who accepted it on behalf of Concern Worldwide. Another €1,000 cheque was presented to Tim Maher who received it on behalf of…
“Message in a bottle” initiative
Roscrea Lions Club's ‘Message in a Bottle’ is a simple but effective way for people to keep their basic personal and medical details where they can be found in an…
Long serving member Bill Hanly receives Award
Roscrea Lions Club welcomed District Governor, James O’Loughlin, to their January meeting where he took the opportunity to present the Melvin Jones Award to our long serving member, Bill Hanly,…
Over €5,000 raised for Childhood Cancer Ireland
Last Wednesday, Roscrea Lions Club CCI committee was delighted to present a cheque for €5,040 to Fionnuala Murphy, Communications Manager for Childhood Cancer Ireland. The money was recently raised at…
Generous donation for Childhood Cancer Ireland
Cistercian College Roscrea and Mount St Joseph’s recently presented a very generous donation of €1,208 to Roscrea Lions Club, who received it on behalf of Childhood Cancer Ireland. Their gesture brought…
Childhood Cancer Walk a resounding success
The Roscrea Lions Club "Light it Up Gold" Charity Walk proved to be a resounding success. The walk was held last Saturday Sept 7th 2024 in the grounds of Cistercian…
Upcoming Childhood Cancer Walk 2024
Roscrea Lions Club in collaboration with Cistercian College Roscrea are delighted to announce that they will hold a Charity Walk on the grounds of the college on Saturday Sept 7th at…
Lions Handover 2024
Bernie Liffey, incoming Lions President for the coming year, recently received the Presidential Chain of Office for Roscrea Lions Club from outgoing President Liam Spooner. Wishing Bernie the very best in her…
Free Family Wellness Workshops
Free Family Wellbeing Workshops for Children aged 4-12 yearsWhere: Roscrea Lions Club, Rosemary St, RoscreaWhen: 16th July, 14th August, 20th August 2pm-3.30pmTo register contact Lisa or Kate - numbers on…
Uganda School Project Update
In December 2023, Roscrea Lions Club donated €1,000 to help a local school in Uganda, which is led by Roscrea native Sr Mona Maher. Coloma Primary School was founded in…