Long serving member Bill Hanly receives Award

Roscrea Lions Club welcomed District Governor, James O’Loughlin, to their January meeting where he took the opportunity to present the Melvin Jones Award to our long serving member, Bill Hanly, for his dedicated commitment to humanitarian work over the years. 

Warm-hearted, unassuming, loyal, dedicated, hard-working, one of “life’s true gentlemen”; the “gentle giant of Roscrea Lions Club” are all words and phrases that come to mind when we think of Bill Hanly. Bill joined the Club in 1972, was President from 1976-77, and chaired and volunteered for countless projects over all those years. But the project we most associate with Bill and closest to his heart, was the “annual trip to Trabolgan”. It is safe to say, Bill managed this project from start to finish. His meticulous planning started months before – gathering his clients and ensuring their every need was catered for. Members who visited Trabolgan witnessed the fondness, respect and high regard Bill was held in. We salute Bill for his years of dedication to this project and, indeed, the Butlins Mosney project prior to that.

And while Bill has been a Lion at Large for some years now, his loyalty to the Club remains as he and his beautiful wife, Annette, continue to support the Club. We thank Annette and Bill’s daughters for sharing him with us for so many years. His dedication to “Lionism” has been exemplary and is to be applauded.  Comhghairdeas agus sláinte chugat!  On behalf of all members it was an honour and privilege to serve with Bill.

At a recent Roscrea Lions Club meeting the Melvin Jones Award for humanitarian service was presented to long serving member Bill Hanley by Lions Club District Governor, James O’Loughlin.

(left to right) Mary Fitzgerald (Secretary), Bernadette Liffey (President), Bill Hanly (Award Recipient), James O’Loughlin (District Governor), Paddy Collison (Treasurer) and Liam Spooner (Past President).